What I Wore | Goldenrod

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: The weather in Southern Indiana has been beautiful this week, and we’ve been spending a lot of time outside to enjoy it. Lately that means starting the day walking Adam to work. It’s a fun routine and forces me and Felix to get ready for the day instead of lounging around in jammies until noon the whole day like we did during the winter.  I’m still loving this skirt and playing around with different ways to wear it. I’ll probably do a white tank top and hat the next time around, but I’d love some of your ideas on what could work too. Help me out on facebook

When: May 5, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Chambray: J.Crew (similar)
Yellow Full Skirt: ModCloth
Belt: Loft (old)
Shoes: Rockport, gift

Where: Morning walk, grocery store and other errands

See Also: How I wore this skirt earlier this spring (and what I did that day)

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Back in Bloom

How to style a midi skirt

How to style a midi skirt

How to style a midi skirt

How to style a midi skirt

WhatIWore: Spring might be officially around a week away, but the weather right now is just perfect! Sunny and seventy and ideal for a stroller walk to visit papa at work and then downtown for lunch. I bought this skirt over the winter but knew it would work best with bare legs so I was excited it was warm enough today to wear it!  I felt so pretty and ladylike! It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to do a natural waist skirt!

When: March 16, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Button Up: J.Crew 
Skirt: Chicwish
Bracelet: Self Made (DIY here)
Shoes: ShoeDazzleBag:Vera Bradley, gift

Where: Walk, Lunch

I’m really excited to unpack all of my warm weather clothes this week and do a little spring cleaning around the house. It’s spring break at IU so I’m off from teaching this week and want to get a jump on things. Felix is in a great stage where he can sit up alone but not yet crawling, so he gets to help mommy (errr… play in one spot while I work). I actually have a post drafted on how I go about switching out my closet so fingers crossed I can get that up to you guys soon too! Hope you have beautiful weather where ever you are this week too! 

How to style a midi skirt

How to style a midi skirt

What I Wore | Dash Dash Dot

Black and White Outfit, Polka Dot, Nursing Friendly, Nursing, Jessica Quirk, Mama Style, Black and White,

Black and White Outfit, Polka Dot, Nursing Friendly, Nursing, Jessica Quirk, Mama Style, Black and White,

Black and White Outfit, Polka Dot, Nursing Friendly, Nursing, Jessica Quirk, Mama Style, Black and White,

Black and White Outfit, Polka Dot, Nursing Friendly, Nursing, Jessica Quirk, Mama Style, Black and White,

WhatIWore: Any chance I have to “get ready” while Adam watches Felix, I take it.  Yesterday me and my son had a busy day out (read more below) and this is what I wore. It was a crisp morning and I always love the first day of the season to wear tights and layer up! 


When: October 8, 2014

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Northern Lights’
Sweater: J.Crew Factory
Button Down: J.Crew
Skirt: Target (similar or similar)
Tights: We Love Colors
Boots: Rag and Bone
Bag: Coach

Where: Errands, Nurse and Chat

See More: Black and White Outfits or Polka Dots Pieces

My normal wardrobe only sorta kinda works these days. Right now I’m limited to two pair of larger sized jeans and this stretchy skirt. On top, hardly anything fits so I’ve added some new pieces to the mix this season, include this button down polka dot blouse and sweater. I actually wore this to Nurse and Chat - a mom’s group at Bloomington Area Birth Services. It’s so nice to get together with other new moms to compare notes (does your baby grunt all through the night too?) and honestly - just to get out of the house instead of staring at the TV or my iPhone while I nurse. 

I’ve had a lot of facebook notes concerning nursing friendly fashion and I’ve found that deep V-necks and button downs are my favorite. If I wear either I can layer a sweater and be pretty descrete nursing in public. I felt awesome in this outfit and plan on getting a lot of wear out of all of these pieces!

And hello! Curled hair and red lipstick!! A little bit of makeup made a big difference in feeling like a tired mommy and a real person (who is still… often times, very tired). 

Black and White Outfit, Polka Dot, Nursing Friendly, Nursing, Jessica Quirk, Mama Style, Black and White,

Black and White Outfit, Polka Dot, Nursing Friendly, Nursing, Jessica Quirk, Mama Style, Black and White,