What I Wore | Flower Children

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

WhatIWore: Ya know, I really should include this dress into my core closet posts - I’ve had it since I was pregnant with Felix and I still wear it all of the time! It’s great for nursing or maternity or anywhere in between! And a lot of other women must love it too because Free People keeps selling it season after season and in bunches of different colors (I also have it in pale blue and have been thinking of over dying it navy!)

When: April 9, 2017

Shades: Karen Walker
Dress: Free People
Sandals: Clarks, older style (similar option here)

Where: Kids Birthday Party

This is what I wore to our friends’ daughter’s first birthday party over the weekend. It was a low key affair and this was perfect! It was warm and sunny so I put Bea in a romper I originally bought her for our Florida vacation. Can you believe she’s already three months old?! Press pause little girl - you’re growing up way too fast! Felix also wanted to get in the action “I want to be in photos too, mama!” and he sure is becoming a big boy! I just love these photos so much! I’m so proud to be their mama.

Below, Embroidered Fable dress styled with: green utility jacket and hat, boho accessories, with a flower crown, at 7 months pregnant

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

What I Wore | Fleetwood Mac

Flowy Dress, Maxi Dress

Flowy Dress, Maxi Dress

Flowy Dress, Maxi Dress

WhatIWore: There’s something about this dress that feels a little magical… a little witchy? And every time I see it I instantly start hearing Fleetwood Mac in my head. I kept things really simple today - just black flat sandals and a turquoise necklace - a dress like this doesn’t need much else! Happy Weekending!

When: April 20, 2016

Shades: Target
Dress: ModCloth
Flats: Target
Backpack: gift courtesy of Vera Bradley from 2014

Flowy Dress, Maxi Dress

Flowy Dress, Maxi Dress

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Basic + Bold

chambray dress, global eclectic bag, balayage bob

chambray dress, global eclectic bag, balayage bob

chambray dress, global eclectic bag, balayage bob

chambray dress, global eclectic bag, balayage bob

WhatIWore: Y’all know I love my denim. Whether it’s a pair of jeans, a jacket or a chambray shirt or dress - my closet is packed with it (see my core closet here). Today I’m going as simple as it gets - a light weight chambray popover dress that I bought years ago when I lived in Brooklyn. I keep it in my closet year round, but it gets the most play in the spring and summer months. I especially like wearing it with something that has a bold handcrafted look (like this belt way back in 2011).  Just the other day I saw a big feature on what they call ‘global eclectic’ while online window shopping (links above) and it made me think of this piece (which I bought at a boutique in Asheville a couple of years ago. So today I’m wear what I think is a perfect mix of basic plus bold. 

When: April 19, 2016

Shades: Target
Dress: Brooklyn Industries (similar versions here and here)
Bag: from a little boutique, no label (see similar options above)
Sandals: gift courtesy of Clark’s last summer

Where: Rainbow Bakery to work on my laptop

See Also: How I styled this bag with another basic outfit back when I was pregnant in 2014! 

chambray dress, global eclectic bag, balayage bob

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Goldenrod

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: The weather in Southern Indiana has been beautiful this week, and we’ve been spending a lot of time outside to enjoy it. Lately that means starting the day walking Adam to work. It’s a fun routine and forces me and Felix to get ready for the day instead of lounging around in jammies until noon the whole day like we did during the winter.  I’m still loving this skirt and playing around with different ways to wear it. I’ll probably do a white tank top and hat the next time around, but I’d love some of your ideas on what could work too. Help me out on facebook

When: May 5, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Chambray: J.Crew (similar)
Yellow Full Skirt: ModCloth
Belt: Loft (old)
Shoes: Rockport, gift

Where: Morning walk, grocery store and other errands

See Also: How I wore this skirt earlier this spring (and what I did that day)

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

yellow Modcloth skirt, yellow skirt

What I Wore on Facebook