What I Wore | Country Wedding

Bon Rosy Dress Maxi Dress, Dark Floral Maxi Dress, Nursing friendly, what to wear to a wedding while nursing

Bon Rosy Dress Maxi Dress, Dark Floral Maxi Dress, Nursing friendly, what to wear to a wedding while nursing

Bon Rosy Dress Maxi Dress, Dark Floral Maxi Dress, Nursing friendly, what to wear to a wedding while nursing

Bon Rosy Dress Maxi Dress, Dark Floral Maxi Dress, Nursing friendly, what to wear to a wedding while nursing

WhatIWore: My cousin Annie got married this weekend and it was so lovely! We had such a wonderful time celebrating her and Will and being with so much of our family. I was in such a happy mood this morning driving home after brunch. It’s so invigorating to be around good people. I love my extended family! I wish I saw everyone more!

Here’s what I ended up wearing for the big day. I was tipped off by an instagram friend to this dress and it was… drum roll… under $50. As you can see it’s plenty long on my 5′9″ frame (plus 2″ sandals) and the wrap front made nursing Bea super easy.  For reference I bought a medium. There are a lot of pretty prints available, but I love how this navy floral looks in person! I actually got the taupe short sleeve version too, which was a little shorter and I didn’t have a slip so the navy won out. You can see more photos from the day on my Instagram!

When: July 28, 2017

Dress: Bon Rosy
Sandals: Clarks (gift of the company from several years ago) - similar here
On Bea: Oshkosh Dress, self made headband
On Felix: Oskosh polo and seersucker pants

Where: An afternoon wedding in the country

Bon Rosy Dress Maxi Dress, Dark Floral Maxi Dress, Nursing friendly, what to wear to a wedding while nursing

Bon Rosy Dress Maxi Dress, Dark Floral Maxi Dress, Nursing friendly, what to wear to a wedding while nursing

What I Wore | Stay at Home Mommin’ It

Stay at home mom outfit

Stay at home mom outfit

Stay at home mom outfit

Stay at home mom outfit

WhatIWore: Hi! Hello! Hope everyone had a nice weekend! We celebrated my parents’ retirement and Easter and got to see my siblings and aunts and uncles and it was a great time! Now we’re back to everyday life and here’s what I wore: this was absolutely a throw-one-whatever-works kind of morning. I’m wearing pieces from my core closet and a bit of a step up from my athleisure SAHM look. Olive jacket, white tee, black jeans and sneakers! These photos totally surprised me too! When you’ve got the right morning light + a pretty spring tree in the background (and those adorable little kiddos) you’ve got a recipe for what I lovingly call a framer.  

When: April 17, 2017

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Tee: LOFT (found at Goodwill)
Jacket: Old Navy (other option here)
Jeans: J.Crew
Sneakers: Adidas Gazelles


Where: Grocery, Park (x2), Mowing my lawn, typical SAHM kind of day

There’s something else I want to tell you guys, but can’t quite break the news on yet. In short - Adam and I are working on something big that we can share in about a month or so and it’s taking quite a bit of our time and energy which pushes taking outfit photos lower down on the priority list. If one or two posts a week aren’t cutting it for you, jump over to my instagram because I always seem to find time to chat when I can’t do anything else because I’m nursing or stuck in the car with sleeping kids, yada yada yada. It’s goofy and off the cuff and so much fun (be sure to watch the Instagram stories part!) 

Stay at home mom outfit

Stay at home mom outfit

What I Wore | Flower Children

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

WhatIWore: Ya know, I really should include this dress into my core closet posts - I’ve had it since I was pregnant with Felix and I still wear it all of the time! It’s great for nursing or maternity or anywhere in between! And a lot of other women must love it too because Free People keeps selling it season after season and in bunches of different colors (I also have it in pale blue and have been thinking of over dying it navy!)

When: April 9, 2017

Shades: Karen Walker
Dress: Free People
Sandals: Clarks, older style (similar option here)

Where: Kids Birthday Party

This is what I wore to our friends’ daughter’s first birthday party over the weekend. It was a low key affair and this was perfect! It was warm and sunny so I put Bea in a romper I originally bought her for our Florida vacation. Can you believe she’s already three months old?! Press pause little girl - you’re growing up way too fast! Felix also wanted to get in the action “I want to be in photos too, mama!” and he sure is becoming a big boy! I just love these photos so much! I’m so proud to be their mama.

Below, Embroidered Fable dress styled with: green utility jacket and hat, boho accessories, with a flower crown, at 7 months pregnant

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

Flower Children, Flower Child, Embroidered Fable Dress, Free People

My Funny Valentines

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

How’s everyone hanging in there? We’re pretty good, all things considered. Thanks to help from family and friends, the adjustment from one to two kids has been smooth. Kids! Plural!!! It feels so good to say that.

I have been working on our birth story for Beatrix and I hope to share that within a week or so, but in the meantime, I’m so happy to finally get some snaps with both kiddos at the same time. Let me tell you - not an easy feat! I don’t know how people manage to wrangle a toddler and capture a newborn awake, let alone get a frame with mom smiling, all at once! 

Bea is so tiny that even the newborn stuff is a little big on her (see her candy heart sleeper here). I actually picked up a bunch adorable of 0-3 month Valentine new arrivals (from our longtime blog sponsors, Old Navy - thank you!) to match Felix but we need to do a little growing before she’ll be ready. Promise to post to #WhatBeaWore on Instagram when she fills them out! You can see what pieces I picked out below. 


Felix picked out his own shirt today. I had laid out his “Brother Like No Other” shirt, but this is what he wanted. He also wanted to leave it unbuttoned, but #idontthinkso. He’s becoming such a big boy - so funny and curious with such a hilarious personality. And yes, we had to bribe him with snacks (although I’m happy to report we’ve kicked the TicTac habit completely ;)

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Thanks to our post sponsors, Old Navy, who have generously provided gift cards to purchase the kids’ clothes you see here. Their new arrivals are online and in stores now, including cute Valentine’s for babies and toddler boys and girls.