What I Wore | Falling Leaves

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

          Karen Walker 'Super Duper' in Crazy Tort        Frye Fringe Bag        Ugg Boot     

WhatIWore: I had one of those mornings when I changed back and forth between a couple of outfits and finally decided to save one for cooler temps later this week and settle on this vintage dress instead. I have a thing for vintage chiffon dresses and this one is perfect for October with the pretty leaf print. As you can see from these photos, we’ve still got green leaves on the trees in town but the change is starting!

As for my outfit, I love the way the hem of the dress meets the top of my boots. Some style experts will tell you this is a no no, but I like it. Definitely something women did a lot of in the late 70s and early 80s and I think it works with the vintage dress. It’s probably a styling thing that works best on a taller gal or with a monochrome palette. 

When: October 12, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in crazy tort
Dress: Vintage, Savant Vintage in Nashville
Belt: Thrifted
Rings: vintage (my mom’s) and etsy
Boots: Ugg Australia
Bag: Frye

Where: Coffee Shop work session

See Also: How I wore this dress a couple years ago. 

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | The Other Little Black Dress

fashion blog, little black dress, Jessica Quirk wears a vintage black dress with brown belt.

fashion blog, little black dress, Jessica Quirk wears a vintage black dress with brown belt.

fashion blog, little black dress, Jessica Quirk wears a vintage black dress with brown belt.

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: I’m on a roll this week with repeating outfits! I’m really eager to start busting out my fall pieces (including stuff in storage, new things and sewing projects!) and the end of the season is always a little boring for me. Also my closet is such a wreck right now I can barely get in there and find anything. Messy closets = I have nothing to wear. Oh well. 

I’m glad I reached for this printed vintage little black dress again. It’s so easy to throw on, so easy for nursing and it has a little something special about it. I’ve also been really into this belt lately… something I normally wouldn’t get fixed on, but I like it! Not a lot of people think of brown and black working together, but this combo is one of my favorites. 

When: August 22, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Dress: Vintage and hemmed
Belt: Thrifted
Bag: Frye
Sandals: Clark’s, gift

Where: Adventures with the fam

We had such a great day on Saturday. Adam let me sleep in (hallelujah!) and then we all went to the farmer’s market for breakfast. It was such a gorgeous day we decided to pack a picnic and go down to Spring Mill State Park, which is one of my favorites. It has a little historical village with re-enactors doing weaving, gardening and leatherworking and I totally geek out about stuff like that. Everytime we go I think “I wanna be a re-enactor too!!” mainly because I’d love to make myself an 1830s dress and corset. I love playing dress up and I love olden times! 

little black dress, Jessica Quirk wears a vintage black dress with brown belt.

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Lucky

WhatIWore: Here’s what I wore a couple of days ago on St. Patrick’s Day. No green for me, but Felix was decked out and the perfect little accessory. The title for this post works equally well for the calendar date and the real inspiration behind this outfit - old school issues of Lucky magazine. Doesn’t this look like something that could have been in one of those classic issues? It feels weird to call a 5 year old magazine classic, but back when the original founders were still involved, the styling had kind of a weirdly cute odd ball feel. The stylists put together outfits that you wouldn’t think could work, but looked interesting and new. To me it was less about trying to track down an actual item and more how I could look into my closet and put together something similar. So this outfit is an ode to those good old days. 

When: March 17, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Q Scrabble Necklace: Heist Jewelry
White Moto Jacket: MICHAEL Michael Kors (similar)
Dress: Vintage
Bag: Lancel
Booties: L.L. Bean Signature

Where: Out and About

These photos might look a little different to you - we took them in the afternoon as opposed to our normal morning routine. And truth be told, I put this on to go to the grocery. I was so stir crazy and I knew Felix needed to get out of the house that I decided to put myself together and go out! I’m glad I did because later that night I was hit with the nastiest food poisoning in years and spent all of Wednesday in bed. Now I’ve got cabin fever again but not really in the mood to go out on a cloudy chilly day. We’ll have to find some other way to keep busy I guess! Anyway, to me, it doesn’t really matter where you’re going, if you feel like putting on a dress and doing your makeup because it makes you feel better - just do it!