What I Wore | Falling Leaves

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

          Karen Walker 'Super Duper' in Crazy Tort        Frye Fringe Bag        Ugg Boot     

WhatIWore: I had one of those mornings when I changed back and forth between a couple of outfits and finally decided to save one for cooler temps later this week and settle on this vintage dress instead. I have a thing for vintage chiffon dresses and this one is perfect for October with the pretty leaf print. As you can see from these photos, we’ve still got green leaves on the trees in town but the change is starting!

As for my outfit, I love the way the hem of the dress meets the top of my boots. Some style experts will tell you this is a no no, but I like it. Definitely something women did a lot of in the late 70s and early 80s and I think it works with the vintage dress. It’s probably a styling thing that works best on a taller gal or with a monochrome palette. 

When: October 12, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in crazy tort
Dress: Vintage, Savant Vintage in Nashville
Belt: Thrifted
Rings: vintage (my mom’s) and etsy
Boots: Ugg Australia
Bag: Frye

Where: Coffee Shop work session

See Also: How I wore this dress a couple years ago. 

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

Fashion Blogger, Vintage Dress, Fall Outfit Idea

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Purple Vintage

Jessica Quirk styles a vintage purple dress on her daily outfit blog, What I Wore

Jessica Quirk styles a vintage purple dress on her daily outfit blog, What I Wore

Jessica Quirk styles a vintage purple dress on her daily outfit blog, What I Wore

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: Gooooood morning! Just slowly getting back into the swing of things in our world after a long beautiful weekend at the lake. Lots of photos to come this week, including a morning spent inside a couple of bee hives, tracking down the queen and generally checking out the health of the group. 

I’m really enjoying being able to wear more of my older pieces, including a lot of vintage dresses that were set aside during last summer’s pregnancy. I’ve worn this dress a lot in the past and at this point, I don’t do much to try and switch it up or make it different. It’s fine on it’s own! 

When: July 6, 2015

Shades:Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Dress: Vintage
Belt: Thrifted
Coin Charm Bracelet: Self Made DIY (here)
Bag: Boutique in Hong Kong, old
Sandals: Clark’s, gift

Where: Morning coffee walk with the babe

See Also: More ways I’ve worn this dress in 2012, 20112010, 2010, and 2009

Jessica Quirk styles a vintage purple dress on her daily outfit blog, What I Wore

What I Wore on Facebook