What I Wore | Denim and Lace

Denim Jacket, White dress for fall, Lace dress, white after labor day, Jessica Quirk

Denim Jacket, White dress for fall, Lace dress, white after labor day, Jessica Quirk

Denim Jacket, White dress for fall, Lace dress, white after labor day, Jessica Quirk

Denim Jacket, White dress for fall, Lace dress, white after labor day, Jessica Quirk

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: This is one of my favorite dresses! Like I mentioned last time I wore it, it almost looks like something you’d find at an antique shop or vintage store. This time, I flipped it back around and am wearing it as intended (earlier this summer I wore it backwards for easy nursing access). These days I’m spending mornings out of the house so I have a chance to wear more of my wardrobe that doesn’t need to be baby friendly. It feels really good to just wear something I want to wear and not worry about stains or feeding or any of that.

When: September 28, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Dress: ASOS (also worn here and here)
Jacket: Mavi (similar here)
Belt: Target 
Boots: Rag and Bone

Where: Coffee Shop work session

Why: I love the textures of the crocheted lace and denim next to each other. It’s sort of sweet, isn’t it? To toughen up the look I decided to go with black booties. They’re my go-to fall walking boot and over the past couple of years have been worn in perfectly. They were a major splurge (I decided to skip NYFW that year and justified the cost that way), but the quality has really held up. When it comes to things like boots, bags or jeans, I always say buy the best quality you can afford. And when you take care of your nice things, they can last a really long time. 

Another core closet piece I want to mention is my jean jacket, which I must have worn hundreds of times over the years. (Scroll through my gallery to see the different ways I’ve worn it!) Again - a quality jacket is just going to look better and better with time. I wish I still had my first ever denim jacket - a cK Calvin Klein number I blew almost all of my fall clothing budget on when I was in seventh or eighth grade. I hope to take good enough care of my favorite pieces that they last for the next twenty years and some day (fingers crossed I have a little girl someday) my daughter will be begging to borrow. 


Denim Jacket, White dress for fall, Lace dress, white after labor day, Jessica Quirk

Denim Jacket, White dress for fall, Lace dress, white after labor day, Jessica Quirk

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Drumbeat

End of Summer Outfit Ideas

End of Summer Outfit Ideas

End of Summer Outfit Ideas

End of Summer Outfit Ideas

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatiWore: On my walk to talk these photos, I was trying to think up how to say “it’s the end of the season! I’ve remixed to my heart’s content!”  I’m ok wearing the same outfits over and over again. In the “real world” this is how most people get dressed, but I also kind of feel like as a person who runs a fashion blog I have to try harder or be more creative. I mean, that’s how I feel half of the time, or a fraction of the time actually, because what I’m trying to share is what a real person wears to do real things. 

So anyway. I just caught my reflection and I thought, screw it! I like this dress! A lot! I’ve worn it tons of times and there’s no link to something similar and who cares! It doesn’t all have to be a show! It really can just be what I wear that makes me feel good or works when I’m running errands or around the house with a baby. And it can be new clothes some days too. It can be both! I’ve been getting closer and closer to this but it’s my goal to continue to march to my own drumbeat even more. 

When: August 11, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Dress: Vintage
Jacket: Mavi
Bag: Frye
Sandals: Clark’s, gift

Where: Family walk to the park, Coffee Date

This dress has to be one of my closet all stars. It works year round - alone in the summer or layered with tights and boots for colder temps. It’s also great for nursing, although as we add more and more meals of solid food, I’m able to go longer periods between breastfeeding - which is great! 

End of Summer Outfit Ideas

What I Wore on Facebook