What I Wore | Spring Stripes

Spring Stripes, How to style a bandana, How to Wear a banada, Denim on Denim, Stripes

Spring Stripes, How to style a bandana, How to Wear a banada, Denim on Denim, Stripes

Spring Stripes, How to style a bandana, How to Wear a banada, Denim on Denim, Stripes

Spring Stripes, How to style a bandana, How to Wear a banada, Denim on Denim, Stripes

WhatIWore: Well hello there! I’m back to life after three of the four of us Quirks came down with a virus in the past week. First it was pity for poor little Felix, then it hit me, and before I could really recover, it hit Adam. Baby Bea was spared thank goodness. Anyway, long story short, I had intended to get back into the OOTD game but… Life. Happens.

So after a couple days of being in total yuck mode, I really wanted to freshen up for today’s outfit post. And by fresh I mean a day old shower and some red lipstick I put on specifically for the photos (I wore the tee, scarf and jeans all day). 

When: March 29, 2017

Shades: Target
Bandana: J.Crew Factory
Long Sleeve Tee: J.Crew Factory
Denim Jacket: Old Navy
Jeans: Frame Denim
Boots: LL Bean Signature

Where: Grocery and Errands with the kiddos! 



You might recognize the stripe tee which I wore recently in Florida. These days, a new tee shirt really feels special so, why not wear it again so soon? Since it’s much cooler here, I’ve styled it with a trusty denim jacket and flare jeans and added a new super soft navy bandana (it was only seven bucks!) The one and only benefit from the a bout of sickness is a pair of jeans I couldn’t shimmy into a few weeks ago. They’re still kind of tight in the middle, but I was happy to wear something I have stored away for so long! 

Spring Stripes, How to style a bandana, How to Wear a banada, Denim on Denim, Stripes

Spring Stripes, How to style a bandana, How to Wear a banada, Denim on Denim, Stripes

Spring Stripes, How to style a bandana, How to Wear a banada, Denim on Denim, Stripes

What I Wore | Vintage Geometry

High Rise Flare Jeans, Mom Jeans, Cardigan, Vintage Blouse, OOTD, Jessica Quirk, What I Wore

High Rise Flare Jeans, Mom Jeans, Cardigan, Vintage Blouse, OOTD, Jessica Quirk, What I Wore

High Rise Flare Jeans, Mom Jeans, Cardigan, Vintage Blouse, OOTD, Jessica Quirk, What I Wore

High Rise Flare Jeans, Mom Jeans, Cardigan, Vintage Blouse, OOTD, Jessica Quirk, What I Wore

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: I am loving these crisp mornings! It felt so great to get up and ready and out the door yesterday morning. I really benefit from time out of the home each day and I like working on my laptop at my favorite local coffee shop. This outfit is a near copy of something I wore in 2012, but I’ve actually since replaced the cotton sweater with a wool version and jeans are a bit of a different silhouette. And of course those photos were pre-Felix with dark hair and no bangs. And can you tell we’ve updated our photography equipment?

When: September 21, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Blouse: Vintage
Cardigan: LL Bean Signature
Jeans: Frame ‘François Flare’
Boots: Frye

Where: Coffee Shop work session

Can we talk a little about this blouse? It’s part of a vintage set I found a few years ago (see the skirt here). It’s one of my favorite prints and I like how easily it’s dressed down (it’s silk, which I wouldn’t normally wear when caring for my son, but for a morning out, it works!). I also like that this particular combo (blouse, cardigan, jeans) is a great way to incorporate vintage into your wardrobe and still look modern and not too costumey (which truthfully, I actually kind of love too). 

High Rise Flare Jeans, Mom Jeans, Cardigan, Vintage Blouse, OOTD, Jessica Quirk, What I Wore

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Dark Flares

High Rise Flares, How to Wear Flare Jeans, Frame Denim Le Flare, Dark Flare Jeans

High Rise Flares, How to Wear Flare Jeans, Frame Denim Le Flare, Dark Flare Jeans

High Rise Flares, How to Wear Flare Jeans, Frame Denim Le Flare, Dark Flare Jeans

High Rise Flares, How to Wear Flare Jeans, Frame Denim Le Flare, Dark Flare Jeans

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: Yesterday Felix and I did a little mother son adventure by taking a road trip to the outlets to buy his fall clothes and go on a lunch date. He slept the whole way there and back (about an hour each way) and was such a fun little buddy to shop with! I think I might do a round up of what we found because it’s a) cute but b) not too cute. Know what I mean?

But speaking of cute - I felt like a hot mom babe in this outfit! I really like that it’s so simple, but with my cool hair it looks…. cooler? Yeah! It looks cool. I’m pretty happy with a basic tee and jean get up that makes me feel so good. Even your easy outfits should make you feel like you’re bringing your A game. 

When: August 19, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Tee: J.Crew 
Belt: thrifted
Jeans: Frame Denim
Bag: Frye 
Sandals: Clark’s (gift)

Where: Morning Walk, Coffee Shop, Road Trip, Shopping, Lunch with my main lil man Felix!

See Also: Another way I’ve styled these jeans plus two ways I’ve worn this tee

High Rise Flares, How to Wear Flare Jeans, Frame Denim Le Flare, Dark Flare Jeans

High Rise Flares, How to Wear Flare Jeans, Frame Denim Le Flare, Dark Flare Jeans

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Stars + Field

High Rise Jeans, Frame Denim, Stars + Field hat, Jessica Quirk, Modern 70s

High Rise Jeans, Frame Denim, Stars + Field hat, Jessica Quirk, Modern 70s

High Rise Jeans, Frame Denim, Stars + Field hat, Jessica Quirk, Modern 70s

High Rise Jeans, Frame Denim, Stars + Field hat, Jessica Quirk, Modern 70s

High Rise Jeans, Frame Denim, Stars + Field hat, Jessica Quirk, Modern 70s

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: Happy Monday everyone! I hope every one had a nice weekend and is ready to start the week. I love it when I can wear an outfit and I can’t even pick a favorite part! The Hat! The vintage 70s blouse! Those jeans! I just love all of the elements and together, this is the kind of look I want to repeat over and over (I also wore it on Saturday!) Also, some fun news after the jump…

When: August 3, 2015

Hat: Stars + Field
Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Blouse: Vintage, AZ Vintage
Belt: thrifted
Jeans: ‘Le Flare François’, Frame Denim
Bag: Frye
Sandals: Clark’s, gift

Where: To the Farmer’s Market (on Saturday), Coffee Stroller Walk (today)

There’s some other fun news I have today… I’ve opened an etsy shop for my hats! I’m taking it slow and perfecting my craft so I only have a few styles up for now, but if you’re like to stay in the loop, please follow Stars + Field on instagram, facebook and twitter

High Rise Jeans, Frame Denim, Stars + Field hat, Jessica Quirk, Modern 70s

High Rise Jeans, Frame Denim, Stars + Field hat, Jessica Quirk, Modern 70s

What I Wore on Facebook