What I Wore | Pretty Woman

Maternity Style, #dressthebump, Pregnancy Style, Jessica Quirk, 3rd Trimester, Summer pregnancy, @whatiwore

WhatIWore: Here’s one of the later additions to my maternity wardrobe, a pretty polka dot knit that kinda sorta reminds me of Julia Robert’s wardrobe in Pretty Woman. I’m feeling more pregnant than ever! Baby is growing right on track and packing on the pounds and I’m perfecting the art of waddling gracefully. Despite slowing down, I feel great! 

When: July 22, 2014

Shades: Fred Flare (old)
Dress: ASOS maternity (different colorway)
Bag: Coach
Bracelet: Self Made DIY
Shoes: Sole Society

Where: Work session at the coffee shop

I’m definitely riding the fine line between loving this stage in pregnancy and just being really anxious to meet my bebe. Fiveish weeks to go! I’ve been re-reading my favorite pregnancy and childbirth books and feeling really excited as I prepare for the big day. I still need to pack a bag for the hospital, wash all those tiny onsies and get the car seat set up, but not much left to check off our list! 

Maternity Style, #dressthebump, Pregnancy Style, Jessica Quirk, 3rd Trimester, Summer pregnancy, @whatiwore

Maternity Style, #dressthebump, Pregnancy Style, Jessica Quirk, 3rd Trimester, Summer pregnancy, @whatiwore

Maternity Style, #dressthebump, Pregnancy Style, Jessica Quirk, 3rd Trimester, Summer pregnancy, @whatiwore