What I Wore | Palazzo Pants

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

WhatIWore: Good Morning! Coming ‘atcha with an internet connection and a new batch of outfit photos. For the past week I’ve been spacing showers a littttle too far and wearing the same tired jean shorts every day. Moving house with two small kids is quite the challenge. A week or so later and I’ve starting to feel more settled! I am so in love with life out here, but me time has been non existent. So yesterday morning, I got showered and hit up Target right when they opened to do a little shopping for myself, then came home, changed and had Adam do outfit photos for me! 

Unlike my unsuccessful journey to the Fashion Mall in Indy, I really did well finding things yesterday! These palazzo pants and sleeveless jacket are two of them! One of the things I’m coming to terms with is that I just like what I like - so even if that means I buy another black and white print or olive jacket - so be it. If one shouldered ruffles aren’t your thing, there’s no need to push the issue, #amirite? 

When: May 23, 2017

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Sleeveless Jacket: Target (Mossimo)
Pants: Target (Mossimo) - now on clearance online! 
Sandals: Rockport (gift from previous partnership)

Where: Errands all over town

These pants really surprised me - for a high rise elastic waistband they are really flattering. Bonus points because they’re incredibly comfortable too. And long! I wore them with flats but I could shimmy them down an inch or two at the waist and do with a short heeled sandal too. I paid full price in store, but I saw they’re on clearance online, so run run run to get yours! 

As for the jacket, it’s a great option for nursing mamas who’d like a light layer for modesty and something more than just wearing the same basic tee shirts day after day. 

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

What I Wore | Palazzo

How to style a crop top with palazzo pants

How to style a crop top with palazzo pants

How to style a crop top with palazzo pants, Bee Tattoo

How to style a crop top with palazzo pants

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: In another never say never moment, today I’m wearing palazzo pants! I actually bought these in the spring of last year when I was pregnant, somehow thinking they’d be good with a huge belly. They never fit under it quite right (and looked hilarious pulled over top) so this is the first time I’m wearing them in outfit photos. I wore them last night too and didn’t think I’d have pics to share, but my friend said she’d better see ‘em on the blog, so other Jess, here you go. 

When: July 20, 2015

Hat: Self Made by me!
Shades: Prada, thrifted (story here)
Crop Top: ModCloth
Palazzo Pants: Zara, last year
Bag: Coach
Sandals: Target

Where: Drinks and Dinner last night, breakfast date and grocery today

See Also: This crop top with two different skirts

In keeping with my promise to give myself body positive compliments, today I really like how my hair lays under my hat. The angle of the cut looks cool with the off set brim and it shows off my tattoo nicely too! What do you love about yourself today?

How to style a crop top with palazzo pants

What I Wore on Facebook