What I Wore | Morning Light

kimono style cardigan, anthropologie, SAHM outfit, How to style a kimono

kimono style cardigan, anthropologie, SAHM outfit, How to style a kimono

kimono style cardigan, anthropologie, SAHM outfit, How to style a kimono

kimono style cardigan, anthropologie, SAHM outfit, How to style a kimono

WhatIWore: We had such a laugh taking these photos today. Felix struts out of the house in a tee shirt, diaper and rainboots and proceeds to put a bucket on his head and stumble around the yard. I guess it goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway! I love these two little kiddos so so much! 

When: May 30, 2017

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Kimono: Anthropologie
Olive Skinnies: Target
Tee Shirt: Target
Sandals: Clarks (gift from a couple years ago)

Where: Running errands

Outfit wise, I’m doing another simple get up - new olive skinnies from Target, a basic v neck tee shirt and my kimono style shrug thingy that I also wore a couple weeks ago here. We just ran a couple errands this morning and later I’ll probably change into painting clothes and try to wrap up a few projects so I can photograph them and share here! 

Speaking of - we’ve been busy bees at the farmhouse and I’m so excited about our progress. I’ll devote a full post to it this week (please! Hold me to it!) with updates!

kimono style cardigan, anthropologie, SAHM outfit, How to style a kimono

kimono style cardigan, anthropologie, SAHM outfit, How to style a kimono

kimono style cardigan, anthropologie, SAHM outfit, How to style a kimono

What I Wore | No Complaints

Maternity Hack, Dress as a top, Third Trimester Style, Maternity Style, Dress the Bump, 35 weeks pregnant

Maternity Hack, Dress as a top, Third Trimester Style, Maternity Style, Dress the Bump, 35 weeks pregnant

Maternity Hack, Dress as a top, Third Trimester Style, Maternity Style, Dress the Bump, 35 weeks pregnant

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: Hey hey hey! I may be lacking on sleep, but at least I’m not on jury duty this morning! Woooo!!! I got called to be a December juror and had previously been notified that I needed to report this morning. Luckily that case has been cancelled or moved, so I won’t need to check in again until next Sunday. I’ve only ever been called to be a juror in Brooklyn (and was not selected), so I’m really interested in the process, but I doubt the near term pregnant gal is going to be selected. Who knows! This is my last week with my sitter so I hope I can really get a lot of work done and find myself being pretty pleased that I still have a chance to set up my laptop and sip a cup of coffee to focus!

Anyway, here’s an outfit I wore last week. I’m either resorting to very basic pieces (maternity jeans and tees) or trying to recreate older outfits. You’ll recognize it as a top here, and as a dress for all seasons (see ideas for spring, summer, fall & winter).

When: December 1, 2016

Shades: Karen Walker
Jacket: Old Navy (older style)
Dress: Vintage
Jeans: Jeans: AG ‘Stilt’, (non maternity here)
Boots: gift of Rockport, from last fall (similar under $100)

Where: Holiday Errands (oh-so-many!!!)

For those of you trying to help me out on the Great Pink Coat Hunt of 2016, I’ve found two options that I’m hovering between: a fuzzy number and a more classic (but way more expensive) wool blend coat. What do you think? If anyone has any insider tips (discount codes?!) - hook me up!

Also: Today’s post title is my goal this week: I’m going to get through this week without complaining about… ANYTHING!

What I Wore on Facebook

Maternity Hack, Dress as a top, Third Trimester Style, Maternity Style, Dress the Bump, 35 weeks pregnant

Maternity Hack, Dress as a top, Third Trimester Style, Maternity Style, Dress the Bump, 35 weeks pregnant

What I Wore | The Good Life

stripes and floral, yellow skirt, pattern mixing

stripes and floral, yellow skirt, pattern mixing

stripes and floral, yellow skirt, pattern mixing

stripes and floral, yellow skirt, pattern mixing

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: It might not officially be summer yet, but so far, it’s the best one of my life. Why? Because even though my son is a baby, it’s getting us outside, to the playground and the pool, getting bug bites and suntans, and dirty from head to toe. It just feels like summer. I remember getting off the bus in fourth grade on the last day of school and thinking FREEDOM! We are living the good life.

When: May 28, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Tee: J.Crew (on sale!)
Skirt: ModCloth (sold out)
Belt: thrifted
Shoes: House of Harlow (old)

Where: ‘Round town

stripes and floral, yellow skirt, pattern mixing

stripes and floral, yellow skirt, pattern mixing

stripes and floral, yellow skirt, pattern mixing

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Denim on Denim


WhatIWore: Can I get a high five for a good hair day? And a baby who naps long enough to curl said hair, put on lipstick and get completely ready for the day before he gets up? I didn’t have much going on yesterday other than some quick errands. The weather was bright and sunny and not completely freezing so I opted for a lighter jacket over denim on denim. 

When: January 18, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Chambray: J.Crew Factory (similar)
Leather Jacket: Tracy Reese
Jeans: J.Crew
Booties: Frye (similar)
Ring: Gift from my husband

Where: Errands