What I Wore | Nashville

Old Navy transition dress, Jessica Quirk

Old Navy transition dress, Jessica Quirk

Old Navy transition dress, Jessica Quirk

Old Navy transition dress, Jessica Quirk

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WhatIWore: Here’s a look at what I wore last weekend to celebrate my anniversary with Adam for daytime (see my date night dress here!) I actually wore this both Saturday and Sunday because it was insanely hot and this suited my needs better for what we were up to! I love little dresses like this (from today’s post sponsor Old Navy) because they’re cute solo but transition really well under sweaters, with jackets or boots. I love the colors of this print and plan on wearing it again with a camel colored floopy hat and a pair of boots I snagged on sale!

When: September 5th and 6th, 2015

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Dress: Old Navy, via gift card
Bag: Frye
Cuff: custom made (spells “Quirk”)
Sandals: Clark’s, gift

Where: all over Nashville (mainly South 12th ans East Nasville)

Old Navy transition dress, Jessica Quirk

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Heads Up! This post was sponsored by Old Navy. Thanks for supporting the brands that make What I Wore possible!