WhatIWore: I’m pretty sure I’m preaching to the choir when I tell you guys I’m all about repeating outfits. I hate the idea of never wearing something you love twice (or three or four or twenty times). Please call me the Repeat Queen. Or just a copy cat. Whatever!
We’ve photographed this top 3 other times (see links below), but I actually end up wearing it more often than that. It’s my go to ‘cool girl’ blouse and I’m definitely going to wear it postpartum too!
I think I’ve done 100% better getting dressed during this pregnancy than my last. I’ll chalk it up to experience and having an easier time physically for the past 7 months (in hindsight, I was in so much pain for the duration of my pregnancy with Felix and I just thought it was par for the course). I hope to put together some of what I’ve learned in a post between now and my due date (or after… who knows?!)
When: November 2, 2016
Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper Strength’
Blouse: A Pea in the Pod
Jeans: Jeans: AG ‘Stilt’, (non maternity here)
Boots: Halogen
Where: Coffee Shop
See Also: Other ways I’ve worn this top (including a total repeat) here and here.
And… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I love you!