Six Months

felix six months

WhatIWore: It’s pretty mindblowing to believe I have a six month old baby already! These past months have flown by and been in slow motion at the same time. It was so much fun to look back at photos of Felix from each month and try to pick favorites. He’s changed so much! He looks more like a baby to me now than he did at 3 months, probably because his hair has thinned out and lightened up so much. He’s nearly doubled his birthweight and he’s more comfortable in 9 month sizes than he is six month onesies. No teeth or crawling yet, but lots of baby talk and giggles. We have our moments, but he really is such a good little guy. He’s such an old soul and our favorite time of day is looking into each other’s eyes when we wake up together in the morning. Felix Quirk, I love you so much! 

felix six months

felix six months

felix six months

felix six months

felix six months

felix six months

felix six months

Me and My Boys

WhatIWore: Hey guys! How is everyone enjoying the beginning of fall? Jumping in with a few photos of me and my boys taking advantage of this beautiful weather. Lots of walks to the park and fall festivals and as much outdoor time as we can get. We try to bring along a camera when we remember to capture all of these precious moments with Felix. I fall more and more in love with this little guy every day. And my husband? He’s such a natural parent and watching him take care of our son makes me so happy. Feeling grateful, sleepy, snuggly, joyous and reflective. Life is good.