What I Wore | We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Tucker NYC dress, Straw Hat, Aviator Shades, Ice Cream Stand, Summertime Activities

Tucker NYC dress, Straw Hat, Aviator Shades, Ice Cream Stand, Summertime Activities

Tucker NYC dress, Straw Hat, Aviator Shades, Ice Cream Stand, Summertime Activities

Tucker NYC dress, Straw Hat, Aviator Shades, Ice Cream Stand, Summertime Activities

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: We did something kind of fun this weekend - ice cream before dinner! It was our first time of the season to hit up our favorite little local ice cream place - the Chocolate Moose - and Felix’s first order. He’s got a thing for sprinkles - but he calls them TicTacs! He accidentally got into a pack of real TicTacs a couple months ago and every time we see them at the grocery check out (annoyingly shelved at kid height! ugh!) he just goes berserk. So anyway, the other day I was baking cupcakes for my friends and put some rainbow sprinkles on top and he shouted “TAC TIC!!!” (he says it backwards). Ever since it’s all TicTacs slash sprinkles, all the time. I give him one sprinkle as a treat, which he thinks is very special. Needless to say, our trip to the ice cream stand was a huge hit with our little boy… even though he ended up wearing more of them than eating them!  Read on for details on my new dress and sandals!

When: May 1, 2016

Hat: Stars + Field (self made)
Shades: Target
Dress: gift courtesy of Tucker
Sandals: Birkenstock

Where: The Chocolate Moose!

The forecast says it’ll be chilly this week, so I used our outing to wear a sundress and sandals - both recent additions to my spring wardrobe. The dress was a gift.. I’ve always really liked Tucker prints (first from a Tucker for Target dress I used to wear all the time and then a blouse I bought off of Gilt. Given the chance to add another piece to my closet, especially this pretty print, I said yes! Thanks Gaby and the Tucker team! 

I went super casz on the shoes, although this dress looks great with heels for a more dressy look.  I finally picked up a pair of Birks after I saw a cool mom wearing them last weekend. Instead of the traditional double straps I picked a pair with slightly different styling. So far - I love them! 

Tucker NYC dress, Straw Hat, Aviator Shades, Ice Cream Stand, Summertime Activities

Tucker NYC dress, Straw Hat, Aviator Shades, Ice Cream Stand, Summertime Activities

Tucker NYC dress, Straw Hat, Aviator Shades, Ice Cream Stand, Summertime Activities

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