Jane Austen Festival 2019 at Locust Grove

This time I’m the one looking beyond the antique glass at the Promenade of festival goers below.

This time I’m the one looking beyond the antique glass at the Promenade of festival goers below.

It’s no secret how excited I get for costumed events and the Jane Austen Festival at Locust Grove in Louisville is like my Superbowl. Last year I went as an observer but this year, I went in costume and loved every single second of it. In the past year I’ve made so many new friends around the country and it was my first time meeting many of them in person. So many conversations started something like “I know you… but I don’t know you, but I know your instagram!” Thank God for social media and the good it can do in creating so many friendships for such a niche hobby.

For the sake of getting these photos up onto the blog, I’m not linking to each person’s blog or social media right away but if you see yourself and would like that - please let me know! I’ll update them as you contact me! And feel free to snag any image you want with a photo credit in your post (I’m @jessicajquirk on Instagram!)

I can’t wait to see all of my costuming babes next year at the Jane Austen Festival!

Sara and I pose for a photo - follow her here on Instagram.

Sara and I pose for a photo - follow her here on Instagram.

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Jenn and Jessica of Penny River Costumes.

Jenn and Jessica of Penny River Costumes.

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Time Traveling | Jane Austen Festival circa 1810

Regency Gown 1810
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Regency Gown Back
Regency Gown 1810

It’s mid July which means it’s time for the Jane Austen Festival in Louisville, KY! I went last year on a whim and it’s what sparked my interest in historical costume. Before this I’d made historically based costumes, but nothing very researched or accurate. Now that I’m in… I’m all in! You’ve seen my 1780s looks here and here, but let’s jump forward in time to the early 19th century! Let me tell you all about it!

Short Sleeved Gown

This dress is based on an extant gown from the Fashion Archives and Museum of Shippensburg University and was found in a family attic in Pennsylvania. Could you imagine finding something like that? I would lose my damn mind! The pattern for this dress is made by Fig Leaf Patterns and I actually tried this style on at last year’s festival, so I knew it would fit! My original plan for my Jane Austen dress ended up being a huge bust, but this style came together easily in a few days!

Shorter sleeves are typically an evening look, but knowing how hot it can be in Louisville, I decided I’m ok with wearing it for the daytime. Plus - THOSE SLEEVES! They’re the feature that drew me to the pattern in the first place and in a cotton batiste fabric, I think they’re perfect.

Under the gown I’m wearing my corded stays (which may skew a little later than 1810, but not by much), a regency style petticoat (which is almost like a short bodice attached to the skirt - otherwise it would be difficult to keep up at the empire waistline) and a chemisette (which was patterned from the American Duchess Guide to 18th Century Fashion. It’s partly for modesty (strangers don’t need to see your cleavage, girl) and partly to keep the sun off your delicate skin. Interestingly, showing some skin is appropriate in the evening when amongst one’s peers. So for dinner I’ll take off the chemisette, change my hair, scarf and jewelry but wear the same dress.


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All of my accessories are homemade, from my costume box or from the thrift store. I blocked and trimmed my hat (video here)using silk and velvet ribbons from Let’s Sew (which is my all time favorite fabric store in Evansville, IN) plus a faux snapdragon I had in my stash. The style isn’t an exact copy but I used fashion plates from the era to get inspiration. The necklace was something I made waaaay back in the day that I found in my basement! Ditto with the scarf - it was something I had on hand and has an Indian style print which was very popular in the early 19th century. My broach was 25 cents at a garage sale and my gloves are from the costume box. On my feet I’m wearing white ballet slippers, also a thrift shop find, but as we speak the paint is drying on another pair of flats that I may wear for the actual event.

One of my favorite accessories is my little pocket edition hardback book… which is actually my iPhone case! I made it myself by cutting out the interior of the book to fit my iPhone and Adam drilled a hole for me where the camera lens goes (which he actually did right after we took these photos, so there’s not an actual pic of that - sorry!) So now I can look like an accomplished lady reading in the shade of some great oak tree while I’m actually updating my instragam with photos from the day!

I’ve said this before, but there’s something about wearing historic garb that really makes me feel like me. I’ve always loved history and especially costume history and I cannot wait to spend the day with ladies and gentlemen who share the same passion. I’ve been corresponding with so many folks over the past few months that I get to meet in person tomorrow and although I’m a wee bit nervous, I’m also really excited. These are my people, this is my world. Let’s time travel, darling.

Regency Gown 1810
Regency Gown 1810

Jane Austen Festival at Locust Grove 2018

an interpreter uses the natural light to do some last minute stitches at locust grove in louisville, ky during the 10th annual jane austen festival.

an interpreter uses the natural light to do some last minute stitches at locust grove in louisville, ky during the 10th annual jane austen festival.

It's official. I've fallen down the rabbit hole that is historic costume. I can barely wait to get into my first set of stays, set my hair into a neoclassical updo and slip into a sheer cotton regency frock. I've been bitten by the bug and I'll never be the same!

On a whim this Saturday, I decided to check out the Jane Austen Festival held annually at the Locust Grove in Louisville, KY. Two thousand eighteen marks the 10th festival which celebrates the 200th anniversary of Austen's novel Persuasion. 

Lately I've been following a lot of historic interpreters on instagram (many pictured here!) who were preparing for the event and it piqued my interest enough to drive down to experience it for myself.  I didn't have time to sew up a regency day dress, so I decided to play street style photographer circa 1818 instead. Everyone looked so lovely - these men and women really bring their best Austen era finest! It was an incredible experience. I had SO much fun and now I have plans to go next year! How could I not?  

And as I laid down my son down to sleep I thought back over the whole day - it really did feel like a page out of an Austen novel. There were the groups of friends that felt a little like the established ladies of society who kind of ruled the show (and nothing wrong with that at all!) The naval group had all the pomp and circumstance one expects from the King's men. Then there were newbies like me, kind of like wide eyed does taking it all in. The setting at Locust Grove was perfect backdrop to the ninety plus degree day which was lovely despite the heat. Do you have a favorite ensemble? Comment with your choice. My personal favorites are the pink dress pictured first and the women's navy military redingoat with yellow sash! 

So without further ado, check out my photos! Can you believe the variety and beauty of these looks? To say I was impressed was an understatement - this group brought their A game. If you see your image and would like a copy, feel free to grab it directly from this page or email me and I'll send over a digital copy. I just ask you to credit either my blog (if you're posting on your own blog), facebook, my instagram handle @starsandfield if you post there!

I took over 400 photographs, so if you recognize me but don't see your picture, please contact me. I have many more I would be happy to share! 

Now who's in for 2019? Will some seasoned vets take me under their wings?

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This is a group of regency fans from St. Louis! They were the first ladies I saw as I arrived to the festival and all looked so amazing!

This is a group of regency fans from St. Louis! They were the first ladies I saw as I arrived to the festival and all looked so amazing!

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The matriarch of this family sewed these ensembles for her whole family! There are three generations pictured here! Lovely! 

The matriarch of this family sewed these ensembles for her whole family! There are three generations pictured here! Lovely! 

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I spoke to the gentlemen in this photo for quite a while! He's a historic interpreted at The Hermitage in Nashville, TN! I didn't get his name but it was a pleasure to chat with you!

Hello to some fellow Hoosiers! 

Hello to some fellow Hoosiers! 

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HMS ACASTA | Royal Navy

Group that portrays the Royal Navy circa 1800-1800. Read more at their site

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Last but not least - here's What I Wore - a modern outfit ever so slightly inspired by the festival. My dress was a Goodwill find, I blocked my own hat and my parasol is vintage! 

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