What I Wore | The Greatest

Maroon Hat, Millinery, SAHM, Jessica Quirk, Non Girly Baby Outfit

Maroon Hat, Millinery, SAHM, Jessica Quirk, Non Girly Baby Outfit

Maroon Hat, Millinery, SAHM, Jessica Quirk, Non Girly Baby Outfit

WhatIWore: Feeling like today’s a good day to hold my babies tightly instead of talk about clothes. So that’s what I’m going to do. They are the greatest. 

When: September 30, 2017

Hat: Self Made
Shades: Karen Walker
Sweater: J.Crew
Denim Jacket: Old Navy
Cords: J.Brand (old!)
On Bea: Target Onesie, Old Navy Leggings, Freshly Picked 

Where: Brunch at Cardinal Spirits

Maroon Hat, Millinery, SAHM, Jessica Quirk, Non Girly Baby Outfit

Maroon Hat, Millinery, SAHM, Jessica Quirk, Non Girly Baby Outfit

Maroon Hat, Millinery, SAHM, Jessica Quirk, Non Girly Baby Outfit