What I Wore | Olive Green Jacket

WhatIWore: Ever have those mornings where you’re having fun getting dressed for the first couple outfit changes and then you’re like to hell with it! I just need to get out the door! This is what that looks like on me. I kept going back and forth between jeans and tights and layering over my turtleneck and finally I ran back upstairs and threw this on. Trusty olive green jacket to the rescue!
When: February 1, 2016
Shades: Karen Walker
Turtleneck: J.Crew
Jacket: Old Navy (old, similar above)
Backpack: Vera Bradley, gift
Skirt: Old Navy
Tights: We Love Colors
Booties: Rag + Bone
Where: Coffee Shop, Around the house (minus jacket + house slippers)
As my body adjusts to not breastfeeding anymore, my clothes are feeling a little snug, especially jeans! Around the house I find it’s way more comfy to live in tights and a skirt (weird, but not weird?) or pajama pants (my usual lazy time option).