What I Wore | Mid Drift

WhatIWore: Now that you’ve seen my new tattoo, here’s my first outfit to show it off! When I thought about the placement of my bee, I knew I wanted it to be able to show in shirts like this, but also be in a place that could be covered easily. Crop tops play so well with full skirts, don’t you think? Remember that Paula Abdul video where she’s waving her scarf while two dudes drag race? My memory of it is admittedly hazy, but this outfit kind of reminded me of that!
Shoes were a little bit of a trial and error thing, and although I would have prefered to wear heels, I think the shirt and top combo needed something delicate, so strappy flat sandals won out!
When: July 9, 2015
Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Black
Top: ModCloth
Skirt: ModCloth
Sandals: Target
Where: Girl’s Night Out
See Also: This top worn with a homemade skirt and the skirt worn with a concert tee.