What I Wore | Gather

WhatIWore: Happy Monday morning, everyone! Here’s to hoping this week is off to a better start than last. I’ll be honest, I took the election results hard. I won’t get into it (at least not now…) except to say I sobbed in public on Thursday morning to my dad on the phone and on Saturday he drove six hours round trip to give me a hug.
That morning the sun was shining, so Adam and I decided to try make it a fun day starting out with pancakes out at one of our favorite breakfast spots. This is what I wore! I also went to our big homemade Holiday market (solo!!!) and picked up some Christmas goodies for Felix and pretty prints for the walls of the nursery. I kept my outfit simple - I wear versions of this combo all the time (see here and here). It ended up being a really nice day. It was so great to get the surprise visit from my dad and spend a lot of time with my boys.
When: November 12, 2016
Hat: Self Made (sorry no pattern!)
Shades: Karen Walker
Tunic: Old Navy (from my first pregnancy)
Jacket: Old Navy (old, but other great options here)
Maternity Jeans: Jessica Simpson at Destination Maternity
Booties: LL Bean (style here, similar color here)
Where: Breakfast, Handmade Market, around!
Finally, if you look closely, you might see a safety pin on my jacket, which is simply to say - you may not look like me, date like me or pray like me - but I care about your well being and YOU.