What I Wore | Berry Blues

WhatIWore: Ahhhh! Finally a sunny morning! I decided to make the most of it by doing a skirt instead of the jeans I’ve been wearing a lot of lately. Now that I’m only working out of the home three days a week I don’t dress up as much and that’s a shame!
Ever since I got these berry colored booties I’ve wanted to pair them with (almost) matching tights. The colors aren’t exactly the same, but I think it’s close enough. I topped it off with one of my favorite hand knit hats (pattern available here) and went simple in the middle. This is the kind of outfit that makes me feel really confident and cool. I wish I could say I have the best self esteem without whatever I’m wearing, but it really does give me the extra push some days. Do what you gotta do, right?
When: December 3, 2015
Hat: Self Made (knitting pattern available here!)
Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Lipstick: Tom Ford ‘Black Dahila’
Turtleneck: J.Crew Factory
Moto Jacket: MICHAEL Michael Kors, older style
Backpack: Vera Bradley, gift
Skirt: Old Navy
Tights: We Love Colors
Booties: Rockport Seven to 7 Ally High Bootie, gift (all WIW readers can get 20% by clicking through)
See Also: A more casual way to wear these berry colored booties.
Heads Up! I work with Rockport as a brand ambassador and this post is part of our partnership. I’ve picked these styles myself and whole heartedly vouch for their comfort! See more ways I’ve worn Rockport shoes here.