Whole 30 Results

Whole 30 before and after, whole 30 results, lose 10 pounds with no extra exercise

Never underestimate the power of a Whole 30! I am so pumped with my results from this go around. I won’t beat around the bush, I did this because I needed a reset in my sugar obsessed eating habits and I was also ready to ditch the few remaining pounds I gained during my pregnancy with Beatrix. Not to mention a closet full of clothes I couldn’t wear because they were too small. 

If you didn’t catch my prep or meal planning posts, here’s a quick summary. The goal is to complete 30 days of a super clean diet - that means all the veggies, fruits, eggs and meat you want. That also means no sugar, alcohol, grains, dairy or legumes. 

It also means a lot of planning, cooking and cleaning up, so if you have a partner for the Whole 30, it makes things way easier. Adam and I did this together and we are both so pleased!

Whole 30 before and after, whole 30 results, lose 10 pounds with no extra exercise


  • The folks that created the Whole 30 really encourage you to stay away from the scale for the entire process, but when day 31 hit I was so excited to jump on and see if there was any weight loss. I could tell from the way my clothes fit that I probably dropped a couple pounds, but in total I lost ten pounds! I’m now down about five pounds from my pre-baby weight. HELL. YES!  My before photo from above was taken in May (around 4 months after having a baby) and the after was yesterday (a week or so since our Whole 30 ended!)
  • I don’t have pre-Whole 30 measurements to compare with, but my tummy is much flatter and my boobs look smaller too (yess!!) Now I have access to so much more of my closet and It’s been so fun to pull old things out and be able to enjoy them again. 
  • Internally I feel more energetic, almost like my body can tell it’s running on premium fuel. I wish I could say I slept better, but with two kids in my bed most nights, I’m not getting any long stretches of Zzzs. 


  • I have continued to breastfeed my daughter throughout the Whole 30. She’s 8 months now and had started some solid foods around the same time my thirty days began, so everything naturally fell into place. Because we’re well established with our breastfeeding routine, we didn’t notice any supply issues.
  • We were not 100% compliant with the rules. I ate bacon, deli meat and store bought mayo (which have off limit ingredients). I had a glass of wine on date night. And a cocktail. I ate chia seed pudding and made paleo pancakes. I had french fries here and there. But for my normal day in, day out meals, I really got what I wanted by eating more fresh, local foods. Since I’ve been buying more berries and veggies I’ve noticed my kids eating them as well! 
  • I’m also getting better at sneaking in more veggies for breakfast (sauteed spinach and sweet potato) or with big veggie bowls. I think I’m getting to be a better cook too! 

Would I suggest a Whole 30 to someone else? Absolutely! In fact my mom is starting her first one right now! Send this post to someone who might want to try it and check out these posts if you need a little help getting started! You can do it!


Whole 30 | Week I Recap & Shopping List

Whole 30 Grocery list, Whole 30 Meal Plan

Hey hey! We are 25% of the way into our Whole 30 (see my prep post here & results post here). In short - it’s going great! Adam and I feel good and are enjoying our meals. Last week I was a meticulous record keeper and documented what I ate so that I could share a meal plan and grocery list! So… here we go!

Day One

  • Brunch (got a late start!) | Three eggs cooked in ghee, sauteed spinach and peppers, blueberries
  • Snack | Green apple with sunbutter and almond flakes
  • Dinner | Turkey Meatballs in homemade tomato sauce with zucchini noodles

Day Two

  • Breakfast | Chia Bowl (chia seeds + almond milk, topped with strawberries, blueberries, almonds, pecans and unsweetened coconut flakes
  • Lunch | Turkey Meatball leftovers (3) with hot sauce, 3 eggs, sauteed spinach, ½ avocado
  • Dinner | Cowboy Skillet (shredded green plantains, onions, chorizo) with egg on top and tomatoes, pickled jalepenos and avocado

Day Three

  • Breakfast | Scrambled Eggs, Chorizo, Sautéed spinach, ½ avocato
  • Lunch | Turkey Meatballs (4), Roasted sweet potato
  • Dinner | Grilled Chicken Breast and Grilled Peppers and Zucchini

Day Four

  • Breakfast | Deli Smoked Turkey Breast, Scrambled Eggs, ½ Avocado
  • Lunch | Left over Cowboy Skillet, Two Eggs, Grapes
  • Dinner | Cuban Burgers (Pork patties, pickles, mustard, deli turkey on Plaintain “bun”), Sweet potato wedges with spicy mayo (hot sauce mixed with mayo), Sauteed Spinach

Day Five

  • Breakfast | Chia Bowl (same as above)
  • Lunch | Three Eggs, Sauteed Spinach
  • Snack | Banana with Sunbutter and Almonds
  • Dinner | Steak with Potato Wedges

Day Six

  • Breakfast | Scramble with kale, peppers, onion and left over steak, homefries (from left over potatoes)
  • Lunch | Turkey Burgers with Avocado, Spicy Mayo and Roasted Carrots
  • Dinner | Smoked Pork Loin, Corn on the Cob, Spinach Salad (with tomatoes, avocado, almonds and spicy mayo)

Day Seven

  • Breakfast | Hard boiled eggs, bacon and melon
  • Lunch | Pulled Pork BBQ (paleo version), pickles, onions and Potato Wedges
  • Dinner (at a friend’s house) | Zucchini Salad (onions, tomatoes, olive oil, ACV, salt), chicken kabob

Whole 30 Meal Ideas, Whole 30 Grocery List, Whole 30 Dinner Ideas

Whole 30 Meal Ideas, Whole 30 Grocery List, Whole 30 Dinner Ideas

Whole 30 Meal Ideas, Whole 30 Grocery List, Whole 30 Dinner Ideas

Phew! Let me back up a little and fess up a bit. We have not been super strict on a couple things like mayo, bacon or deli meat. Sure - we could be die hards, but we feel like this is a pretty big challenge as is and are cutting ourselves a bit of slack for trace amounts of noncompliant ingredients.  

Speaking of ingredients, how about a shopping list! Drumroll please…

Grocery List


  • Chicken Breasts (8 total)
  • Chorizo (1 pound)
  • Ground Turkey (2 pounds light, 2 pounds dark)
  • Smoked Deli Turkey Breast (½ pound)*
  • Ground Pork (1 pound)
  • Hoosier Strip Steaks (1 pound)
  • Pulled Pork (1 pound)
  • Bacon (1 pound)*

Fruits and Berries

  • Green Apples (4)
  • Banana (one bunch)
  • Grapes (one package)
  • Blueberries (two pints)
  • Strawberries (two pints)
  • Avocados (5)
  • Melon (1)


  • Sweet Potatoes (4)
  • White Potatoes (4)
  • Baby Spinach (1 pound)
  • Green Plantains (3)
  • Sweet Peppers (one package)
  • Onions (1 pound)
  • Carrots (1 pound)
  • Kale (one bunch)
  • Corn on the Cob (2 ears)
  • Small Tomatoes (quart)
  • Zucchini (homegrown)
  • Basil (homegrown)

Pantry Items

  • Light Olive Oil
  • Sunbutter
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Coconut Oil
  • Pickled Jalepenos
  • Diced Tomatoes (2 cans)
  • Mayo*
  • Hot Sauce
  • Almond Milk*
  • Chia Seeds
  • Date Balls covered in almonds
  • Le Croix (2 cases)


  • Ghee
  • Eggs (3 dozen)

We did one big shopping trip at the start of the week, then again four days later, plus a stop at the farmer’s market on Saturday. In addition to the list above was kids’ stuff, but they aren’t doing the Whole 30 so I’ve omitted it. Our spending was up this week, but we won’t need to buy more expensive items (like ghee, coconut oil, olive oil) every week. Now our fridge is so beautifully organized and clean, which makes it easy to grab what we need and see all of our options! We’ve eaten a lot of leftovers and really been good about not wasting food! 

Meal wise we’re loving this! Kitchen time wise - ehh - I’m really glad I have a partner in cooking and cleaning up. Otherwise I don’t think I could handle the extra work of cooking three meals a day with two kids underfoot. It does help to prep ahead of time and leftovers are a Godsend. 

Onwards to Week Two! 

Whole 30 Preparation

Whole 30 Basics, How to do a Whole 30

Take one spin around the farmer’s market and you’ll see that we are in the peak of delicious fruits and veggies, which has inspired my husband and I to take on another Whole 30 Challenge. We did it for the first time way back in 2013 and we’re excited for a clean slate with our eating habits.  We will be participating for the month of August and I’ll be creating a food journal to document meal ideas and a grocery list each week.

If you’re interested in joining us, please read on to a guide I created back in the day! I’ve added in some notes in italics as updates!

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing how I prep my kitchen and create my grocery list to start the Whole 30 off on the right foot.

Let’s start with the basics.  A paleo/primal diet is based off what our paleolithic ancestors ate - whatever they could hunt or gather.  A modern approach includes more than just meat, fish, berries and nuts to include veggies, fruits, eggs and some fats.

A Simple Primer

Whole 30 Basics, How to do a Whole 30

There’s a bit of fine print to go along with it, so I suggest you read the full rundown of what you can and cannot eat from the experts. (Things like soy, peanuts, honey and white potatoes are not included as approved foods during the Whole 30).

You probably also want to check out It Starts with Food - a great book that explains why the list is created and the health detriments and benefits that each of these foods these foods have.  Trust me, I never thought I could give up a bagel and cream cheese breakfast until I read this book (and haven’t had one in over a year!)

Cleaning Your Kitchen

First things first - you’ve gotta clear out the no-nos from your refrigerator and pantry. If there was ever a time to read labels - now is it!  Any condiment with added sugar (hello ketchup!) will have to either get tossed or be hidden for the next month. Speaking of hiding things - we don’t throw everything away (although this is also a good time to check your expiration dates). For things like craft beer or condiments we want to keep, we store those on the bottom shelf of our fridge, but covered up. Outta Sight, outta mind!

We won’t be including our children in our Whole 30, so I’ve divided the fridge into sections that have things like cheese sticks, milk and yogurt that my son likes. These are low in the fridge so he can help himself and not in my sightline so I avoid them!

Planning Your Meals

You’ll be spending a lot more time in the kitchen and the more prep work you do, the easier your 30 days will be.  I start my planning by writing down what I want to eat for each dinner and starting my grocery list from there. A few paleo cookbooks will show you there’s no shortage of delicious ideas! Well Fed and Primal Cravings (read ingredient lists to make sure they are Whole 30 compliant!) are two good ones!

Here’s what our first week’s dinners will look like:

  • Turkey Meatballs with Steamed Broccoli and Roasted Sweet Potatoes
  • Cuban Burgers with Plantain ‘Buns’ and Garlic Spinach
  • Coconut Chicken Breast with Green Beans and Roasted Carrots
  • Ground Beef Chili with Sweet Potato Chips
  • Kale, Chicken and Mushroom Stir Fry
  • Bacon Lattice BLT
  • Nutty Shrimp and ‘Noodles’

Here’s another post of some of my favorites from the past! I can’t wait to make more of these meals!

Without even looking at this post, I planned many of these meals for our first few days too! Once you get into a groove with what you like to both cook and eat, meal planning will become easier. It’s also prime grilling season, so I like to have frozen chicken breast ready to thaw and toss on the charcoal!

I’ve also found that having a good breakfast menu makes starting the day off full and satisfied much easier. Here’s a week’s worth of breakfast ideas I enjoy! This time I am also going to be doing a chia seed pudding as a base for breakfast bowls of fruits and nuts! Yum!


If you’re looking for places to splurge and save on your grocery list, spend more on quality meats (like grass fed beef and free range chicken). We love our local butcher and trust me, you will taste the difference! Take your list as a guideline. If something else is fresh and looks tasty (and falls within the parameters of the Whole 30, go for it!)

We’ll probably pop back into the grocery mid week to restock any fresh produce that’s running low as well!

I’ll also pick up little extras that come in handy when you’re winging it or are good substitutions for what you normally cook with - things like almond flour, coconut oil, coconut aminos (a soy sauce alternative), almond butter (great for sauces or spread of apple slices). Spices go a long way in paleo cooking as well!

Prep Work

A little prep goes a long when you’re learning a new style of eating. Adam and I like to spend a little time on Sunday (or in this case, New Year’s Day) prepping foods in advance. Here are some of the shortcuts we take:

  • Hard Boil eggs
  • Grill and chop chicken
  • Chop Veggies (for omelettes and stir fries)
  • Make condiments (like fresh Mayo)


The main concept of the Whole30 is to clean up not only the food you’re eating, but your habits, including mindless eating. You’ll want to avoid making paleo versions of junk food during your 30 days, but I also think it’s important to have some treats (not cheats!) to keep your sanity. I also reach for these if I’m super starving before a workout.  I enjoy:

  • Bananas or apple slices with almond butter, raisins and unsweetened coconut flakes
  • Carrots with Homemade Guacamole
  • Muffin Tin of Homemade Trail Mix (nuts, coconut flakes, raisins)

Final Notes

This time around, I’m not aiming to lose any weight, instead to tone up a bit, get my complexion under control, sleep better and generally feel more awesome! Skip the scale for the entire 30 days and measure your progress by how you look and feel versus the number on the scale. You can follow my meals on Instagram!

This time, I actually do want to lose weight! And I want a reset on my eating habits!

You’re going to see amazing changes after completing this diet (see my first before and after, holy shit!) , but I’m not a physician. Please consult with your doctor before starting any health or fitness regimen!  

And… You can do it!

2015 Whole 30 Results

Whole 30, Whole 30 Results

Well, we did it! Another (Almost) Whole 30 down for the Quirks! This time around, we gave ourselves a little more grace to bend the rules when it worked for our family. For example…

Why Almost? Going into this month, I knew I wasn’t going to be as strict as my first Whole 30. Our breakfast meats (sausage and bacon) had a little sugar. I’m ok with that. We had rice a couple of times with our stir fries. Again, not a big issue for me. When my sister was in town and we had the chance for a date night, you better believe I enjoyed every single sip of that glass of wine and chocolate dessert. That said, we only went off course a handful of times. Our day in, day out eating was pretty by the book. 

On Cooking A big difference for me is that I’ve taken on more responsibility for cooking. We did a meat CSA with a local farmer and the variety of meats really helped keep things different and interesting. On weekends we filled our grocery carts with a rainbow of fruits and veggies. I really upped the ante on my salad game. Variety really made this enjoyable!

Results Measurement wise, I’m down about 2 inches at my bust, an inch and a half at the waist and an inch at the hips. I lost 6.6lbs total and I’m into pants one size up from my pre-pregnancy size. Heck yea!

Clean Eating and Nursing Many of you have been curious as to whether my milk supply would hold up with a big change in eating habits. I’m thrilled to report that we had no problems and Felix actually gained over 2 pounds while I was on my Whole 30!

Our Future Plans We like the way we feel when eat a paleo diet, so we’re going to stick with it using an 80/20 balance. That’s roughly 4 meals a week to indulge in other things. For me that’s waffles and wine and chocolate. Adam likes crunchy chips and a cold beer. We do better with a plan and having treats worked into that works realy well for us!

Did you try a Whole 30 this January or have plans for one in 2015! I’d love to hear about your success!