What I Wore | Make Believe

Flower Crown

Flower Crown

Flower Crown

Flower Crown

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: I’d like to make believe there’s a time when I’ll be able to wear anything I want without fear of being judged or mocked for doing something that makes me happy. I wish I could say I stand behind every single outfit on this blog and that I always feel like a million bucks, but honestly, my self esteem has been wavering lately and I feel like I’m in a little bit of a summer slump. I threw on this dress because it normally makes me happy and added a new flower crown on the way out the door, but then I couldn’t find my favorite sunglasses and I felt kind of… naked (!) without them in these photos. Then I took off the flower crown as I started walking through the neighborhood. I wish I had the courage to do whatever I wanted, but sometimes, I just fall short. I almost didn’t edit or post these pics, but I think they’re a nice way to open up a discussion about how we feel about ourselves.

I’m hoping to disconnect this weekend, spend time with my husband and son, go out with friends and just be without having to worry about outfit photos or looking a certain way (or fitting in or sticking out!) I hope you let this weekend be a chance for you to be a little more of your true self too. Have a good one friends.

When: July 16 2015

Crown: Self Made
Dress: Vintage
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Can’t remember

Where: (sans crown) Playdate and Coffee Date

Flower Crown

Flower Crown

What I Wore on Facebook

What I Wore | Sunshine

How to Wear a flower crown

How to Wear a flower crown

How to Wear a flower crown

How to Wear a flower crown

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: Good morning, friends! Hope everyone had a nice weekend! These photos remind me of sunnier days - it’s all rain rain rain here lately. Ever since making my flower crown, I’ve been playing around in my closet for different ways to wear it. While it definitely inspires more of a bohemian sensibility, I thought it would be nice to add it to a more mainstream style outfit too. And you’ll never guess where I got this skirt…

Well, maybe you can…Goodwill! I used to be a big thrift/second hand shopper and it was always a great way to get inspired with pieces that not everyone has (plus easy on the wallet too!) And I KNOW no one else will have this skirt because it’s handmade. It really reminded me of this outfit (which I no longer have, sad face) so for $4.29, it was all mine! 

When: June 18, 2015

Flower Crown: Self Made (tutorial here)
Shades:Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Tank: Target (maternity from last summer!)
Belt: thrifted
Skirt: thrifted
Bag: Little boutique in Hong Kong
Sandals: Clarks, gift

Where: Coffee Shop for breakfast and a walk before the heat set in

How to Wear a flower crown

What I Wore on Facebook