What I Wore | Vote!

WhatiWore: Morning everyone! It’s another day-of post for me - because I’ve gotta share what I wore to cast my ballot this morning! I would have loved to put on a white pantsuit, but had to make some adjustment as I’m seven months pregnant today!
I chose to wear my ‘The Future is Female’ tee shirt with a vintage red and navy jacket. It’s patriotic and reminds me of all of the women who came before me. Maybe most importantly, it’s a personal symbol representing candidates that fight for and respect women!
To finish it off I tied a vintage scarf to my navy handbag, put on a pair of heels and a pair of jeans.
Here’s what I wore to vote in 2008 and 2012.
We had no lines and instead of voting straight ticket, I wanted to fill out each and every box. We have some very tight races for Governor, a Senate seat and a Congressional seat in my district. Plus there important ballot measurers on gun sense and for our local schools.
I hope you exercised your right to vote today, or will find a time to do so later this afternoon! Happy Election Day, everyone!