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What I Wore | Popping Tags

thrift store boots, sahm outfit

thrift store boots, sahm outfit

thrift store boots, sahm outfit

WhatIWore: Here’s what I wore over the weekend to hit up the Goodwill 50% sale and the farmer’s market with my family. I’ve had a little pep in my step lately and have been a lot more inspired to put on an outfit, rather than just throwing on whatever (like a tee shirt and jean shorts). I’ve been going through my clothing in storage and found this top, which was the beginning of this whole outfit. it’s actually almost exactly like this one, the difference being my new boots instead of sandals. 

And by new, I mean the pair I picked up for $6 the other day on a thrifting trip. Ahhh! Can you believe it? They’re real leather, fit great and are going to look perfect with my seventies themed fall wardrobe. I even started spiffing them up this weekend and I love the results. 

When: August 5, 2017

Shades:Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Necklace: Global Gifts (a little store here in town)
Blouse: ModCloth (from last spring)
Jeans: Frame Denim
Boots: Thrifted

Where: Farmer’s Market and Thrift Shopping

thrift store boots, sahm outfit