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What I Wore | Formula One

Camel Cape, Striped Sweater, Flare Jeans, Neck Scarf

Camel Cape, Striped Sweater, Flare Jeans, Neck Scarf

Camel Cape, Striped Sweater, Flare Jeans, Neck Scarf

Camel Cape, Striped Sweater, Flare Jeans, Neck Scarf

What I Wore on What I Wore

WhatIWore: Tell you what guys, I’m feeling so creative and free when getting dressed these days! In most of my outfits these days I aim to do something vintage, something homemade and something I’ve had in my closet but not worn recently. This look is a good example of that! Let’s break it down:

When: February 3, 2016

Shades: Karen Walker
Cape: mikasasucasa on etsy
Sweater: Self Made (pattern info here)
Jeans: Frame Denim (on sale for $92!!)
Scarf: Vintage
Bag: Souvenir from Hong Kong (10 or so years ago!)
Boots: Frye

Where: All dressed to go work at the coffee shop and then my sitter called in sick, so off to the grocery with Felix instead (but not before getting OOTD pics!)

Alright, so following my little formula, the vintage piece is the camel cape I bought from one of my favorite bloggers/vintage dealers on etsy (link above). It took me a while to figure out proportions that I liked and eventually realized a nice flare cut would balance things out (the jeans were purchased last fall). The self made element is the sweater I knit myself. Finally, the scarf and bag are oldies from when I first started doing outfit photos in 2007. I love pulling together all different kinds of pieces this way. Not too vintagey, not entirely new (although, that is a fun treat once or twice a season) and not things I’ve worn so much I’ve grown tired of them. I did a similar color combo last fall HERE

I was just scanning my really old WIW photos and can’t wait to re-invent some of those outfits in the weeks to come. I’ll link up to those when I can! 

Camel Cape, Striped Sweater, Flare Jeans, Neck Scarf

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