What I Wore | Changing Perspectives
WhatIWore: Well - ta da! I went with the bangs! Thanks for the encouragement… I knew I wanted something different but it definitely helps to have a little push when it comes to trying something new. I’ll be honest though - I feel stumped with what to wear! I like how this look came together but it might take me a while to feel like I know what I’m doing. I’m yet to wash and style it myself and I think that’ll help it sink in and get me going! Now… it’s Friday! Happy Weekending everyone!
When: August 14, 2015
Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’ in Crazy Tort
Tee: Old Navy (old)
Skirt: ModCloth
Belt: thrifted
Sandals: Clark’s, gift
Where: Morning Walk, errands
See Also: Other ways I’ve worn this white skirt (here & here).