A First Birthday Celebration

First Birthday Party, Monkey themed birthday, Baby Boy Birthday

First Birthday Party, Monkey themed birthday, Baby Boy Birthday

First Birthday Party, Monkey themed birthday, Baby Boy Birthday

First Birthday Party, Monkey themed birthday, Baby Boy Birthday

Hape Grocery Cart


What I Wore on Instagram

For Felix’s first birthday, I wanted to be festive but not go overboard - this party really is more for the parents than the baby! For a theme I went with ‘That’s Not My Monkey’ (his favorite book). I made little monkey face cupcakes, put out his stuffed animals, got some crepe paper and party hats and called it a day. Well, I also made a gray and white felt birthday banner that we can use year after year. With a clean house, fresh flowers and a table full of food it looked great! 

Some of you might have seen my failed cake I tried to make on Friday afternoon. I didn’t like the way the frosting looked and tried to salvage it by scraping it off to re-ice later. Unfortunately it just crumbled in my hands. Thank goodness I had all of Saturday to try again!  The little monkey faces are made from mashmellow fondant I made earlier in the week and the icing is just cream cheese, butter and sugar! I had two circular cookie cutters and used the end of a dog bone shape to make the eye area, then piped on blackish icing for the eyes, nose and mouth.  I used to love icing and decorating cakes when I was a kid so I had a lot of fun making these! They tasted amazing too (we just used a box mix for the actual cake!!)

First Birthday Party, Monkey themed birthday, Baby Boy Birthday

First Birthday Party, Monkey themed birthday, Baby Boy Birthday

First Birthday Party, Monkey themed birthday, Baby Boy Birthday

What I Wore on Facebook