Family Time | A Day on the Lake

Mom and Baby at the Lake

As we gear up for the Fourth of July weekend, I can’t help but think back to my childhood and the many summer days and nights we spent at my grandparent’s lake cottage. We didn’t go on a lot of family vacations, but we did seem to carve out at least a week long trip each July or August.  When I think of the lake I think of blueberry pancake breakfasts, day lillies, rope swings, laps and laps around the lake riding the tube, naps in the hammock, cookouts at night, one last boat ride at dusk and then s’mores by the neighbor’s firepit before bed. 

Mom and Baby at the Lake

Mom and Baby at the Lake

Mom and Baby at the Lake

One of my other favorite memories is running and jumping off the dock where my dad would be waiting with a blue foam raft, increasing the distance with each subsequent jump. I loved swimming in the lake with my brother and sister and cousins, loved tubing, loved boat rides… and still love them all today! This weekend we’ll drive north for our annual visit to the lake, now with my aunt and uncle on the same lot. I’m excited to do all of those things again, this time with Felix (minus the tubing, he’s gonna have to watch from the shore!) Maybe I will FINALLY get up on skis (yes, I’ve tried almost every summer, no, no skiing success yet).

So, a couple of weekends ago, Adam and I just couldn’t wait and rented a boat on our local lake… it was Felix’s first time on the water! He took the wheel (literally!) and really liked being on board. He also did the cutest thing in the lake. He’d hold on VERY TIGHTLY to his life jacket, lean back, close his eyes and cross his ankles and just float. The leg cross has been something I’ve noticed a lot lately and something it felt like he did a lot in utero. It was super cute.

What is your family doing for the Holiday Weekend? Whatever you do, hope it’s fun and safe and relaxing! I’ll see you on Monday (or Tuesday… depending on how wiped out I am!) Happy Independence Day!

Mom and Baby at the Lake

Mom and Baby at the Lake

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