Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from the Quirks!

Baby Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I am so exited for the holidays this year! My brother and sister are both in from different sides of the country (which hasn’t happened in years!) and we’ll all be together on Christmas morning. Speaking of, Felix has changed so much in the past year (here he is last Christmas as a brunette!) and last night we did a little “practice” with him to see if he’d get the concept of opening presents. He delicately took off small bits of paper and then flipped out when he had it totally unwrapped (a sippy cup, we’re all about practical presents around here!). I’ve always thought the holidays were magical, but there’s something about seeing it again through a child’s eyes. And he’s only 16 months old! It’s one of those things that is so much fun as a parent. 

I’ll be taking the next week or so off to really focus on all of this family goodness, so in the meantime, I’ve picked out some of my favorite posts if you’re killing time at the airport or in the car or whatever. I hope all of you have a safe and happy Holiday!

Baby Christmas

WHOLE 30 - Weird but true, I always look forward to cleaning up my fridge and eating clean to start the New Year.

GET FIT ROUTINES - I’m still hitting the gym about twice a week, but when I can’t make it, I like having a few quick movements to keep things up. Here’s the program my coach Matt created for me a few years ago.

PREGNANCY RECAP - I’m an open book with my pregnancy experience, so if you’re expecting (or know someone else who is!), you might enjoy these posts:

MUSINGS ON MOTHERHOOD - It ain’t easy, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. Below are a bunch of different topics all related to being a mom. 

COCKTAILS! Whether you love spending time with your family and wanna parrrrtay or need a little something to get through all of your crazy uncle’s stories, cocktails just might be the cure (in moderation and with a designated driver of course!!). Here are some easy recipes that Adam developed for the blog a few years ago. 

OTHER STUFFS - Here are some cool things I’ve worked on in the past year

There’s also my Instagram (food, cat and baby pics), my gallery (featuring FIVE YEARS of outfits ideas) and my Pinterest (3000+ pins of inspiration ideas!). Ho ho ho, MERRY CHRISTMAS!