Happy New Year!
/WhatIWore: Happy New Year! I love fresh beginnings, which is why I always like to make resolutions for solid habits for the coming year. I’ve narrowed mine down to four pretty simple things I want to get better at: Eat better, Be Present, Get It Done and Move More.
Eat Better Adam and I like to do a Whole30 at the beginning of each year. Last year I was pregnant and had major food aversons, so I didn’t complete the full 30 days. This year, four months post partum, I’m feeling great and really excited about refocusing on my health. I’m planning on doing a full post on the ins and outs of this year’s plan, because we’re going a little off course to ensure I have enough calories to also feed my son.
Be Present Speaking of my little guy, I can’t believe how much he’s already changed since he was born. It’s incredible to see his growth! And he’s such a happy little baby. When I’m with him, I want my attention to be 100% focused on being there. No iPhone in the other hand, no computer in the lap, I just want to be with him. Same goes for my husband, friends and family. Real life trumps digital life, so I’ll capture outfits and meals and cute baby pictures when I can, but otherwise I plan on a lot less screen time in my free time in 2015.
Get It Done The other day I saw a really great tip on Pinterest that I’ve been using around the house since then. If you can do it in 2 minutes, do it now. Anything from picking up baby toys, emptying or loading the dishwasher, wiping down counters or making the bed. There are so many little chores that are so easy to cross off my list as I move about the house that will pile up otherwise. It’s hard for me to relax when I’m surrounded by chaos in the form of a mess, so it’s just something I need to do. So far, so good!
Move More I got a FitBit for my birthday and started wearing it this week. It’s crazy how many steps you can get just by walking around the house! We live in a two story and our laundry’s in the basement, so I can climb as many as 17 flights of stairs a day! It’s also been a good motivater to get outside for fresh air with Felix, even when it’s chilly out. Wearing this little gizmo is a nice reminder to get up off the couch, get it done and the added bonus is that it’s good for me too!
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? What are they?
I’d love to see ‘em! Share what you’re focusing on for 2015 on my facebook page.