Daily Life in Snaps | May 22

daily life on what i wore, jessica quirk

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: It’s been a long time since I’ve done a daily life in snaps post, but fun things are happening around here, so I wanted to share!

Spring in Indiana is gorgeous and so many of my neighbors have these giant peony bushes in shades of pink and white. And they smell beautiful too! 

A couple of years ago I learned my grandma’s pie recipe and ever since, I’ve been on a quest to bake 100 pies (tagged #jessicas100pies on instagram). This blueberry custard (23/100) was made for my brother’s birthday. 

Speaking of baking, I’m trying my hand at making bread! This cinnamon raisin loaf was incredible! Recipe found here. 

Adam and I have always loved the great outdoors and we hope to instill that in Felix too! Here we are on a family hike on Mother’s Day! We use the Ergo360 carrier and love it. 

At a little before six months, we started introducing solid foods to Felix, but this was the first time I made him a full plate to eat along side us at dinner (normally we feed him small bites of whatever we’re having). He did a great job and ate about 2/3 of it! We skipped the babyfood stage and feed him solid foods (but he’s still getting the majority of his nutrients from breastmilk). We started with soft stuff like bananas before he had teeth, but now he’s able to gnaw on just about everything!! Big boy

A little shout out to my local coffee shop - Hopscotch! I go there for a lavender latte a couple times a week. It’s soooooo good!! (And it doesn’t hurt that daddy’s work is just a few steps down the B-Line!)

Last but not least - I bought a car! Well, it’s actually an SUV and it’s the first time I’ve bought a vehicle on my own!  We’ve been driving a used 2001 model since moving back to Indiana and with Adam’s sales trips around the state, we decided to add on a second car for me. It’s used but in good shape and my dad helped me through each step (he’s been in the car business forever!) Thanks Dad!

This weekend we’re going to be getting our yard in gear and planting our window boxes! I have some new things for my patio I’m excited to put out too! It’s time to start living outside, baby!

Hope you have a great long weekend and I’ll see you on Tuesday! 

Daily Life | Spring Saturday

daily life in snaps

WhatIWore: You know that first Saturday of the year when it’s sunny and warm outside and before you know it, it’s already dinner time and you’ve just been going going going? That was this past weekend for us. We walked all over town, went out to breakfast, snapped photos, went to the park, took a baking/nap break and then a backyard party with friends. It was a perfect first spring weekend. Here’s a little photo spread of what we did. 

daily life in snaps

10am: Orange Blossom Breve and Breakfast




11:15am: Farmer’s Market. Our favorite band (Busman’s Holiday) was playing and we checked out the flowers and fresh greens

12pm: Next to the distillery to drop off papa for work and coincidently, my aunt, uncle and cousins from Fort Wayne were strolling down the B-Line trail!! We all went next door to Hopscotch for coffee and treats in the sun. 



1pm: Back to Cardinal and La Poblana for lunch. Felix was fussy and ready to relax so back to our house.



3pm: Time to bake! When I like a recipe, I make it a few times in a row. For our backyard BBQ that night I decided to make these paleo whoopie pies (carrot and raisin with orange and honey filling). They’re really amazing. Recipe from Primal Cravings. Felix hung out nearby and tugged at my skirt. “Mama! Pay attention to meeeeeeee!" 


5pm: After napping we had a little time to kill before leaving for the party, so off to the park down the street. I wanted to see if Felix was big enough to enjoy the baby swing and he seemed to really like it! We swung for a while before doing a walk and getting in another little nap. I headed home, had a glass of wine and then got things together for the party.

6:30pm: No photos because we were having too much fun seeing our friends and playing in the yard. 

9pm: Back home and time for bed. I made a note to check the clock because I wore the same shoes all day long and it was their debut wear! Don’t you hate it when spring shoes rub your heels raw? Not the case in these sandals, courtesy of Rockport, which I picked because they have such a cute retro, Roman Holiday vibe.

Thank you to Rockport, who’ve asked me to share #MyDailyAdventure with today’s post.  Rockport makes cute, wearable and incredibly comfortable footwear, that can be worn all day - from brunch to BBQs.  Please use code ROCKWHATIWORE25 to save 25% off any non-sale purchase at Rockport.com!