Studio Quirk

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Going for the Glow

Pregnancy Glow, bareSkin, Jessica Quirk, @whatiwore

WhatIWore: Ya know how they say pregnant women get a glow (and thicker hair and stronger nails)? I’m not feeling those effects so much yet and as I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, I’ve had some pretty big hills and valleys in the self esteem department. Right now though, I actually have something I’m pretty excited to talk about!

Remember my natural beauty post a month ago and how I raved about my bareMinerals powder foundation? Recently the brand reached out to let me know about their new liquid formula, bareSkin, and since I was nearing the end of my regular stash, I decided to buy the liquid instead (which also meant ponying up for a new brush too). I love the powder so much that I was skeptical if I’d like the liquid (plus I ordered online and didn’t have a chance to try it out at the makeup counter, which I’d recommend if you’re able!) 

Pregnancy Glow, bareSkin, Jessica Quirk, @whatiwore

Well, as of a week ago, I’ve tried it out and could. not. wait. to write a post about it. I’m not much of a makeup girl (I have a simple routine I rarely stray from), but I could rave about this all the live long day. I really love it. I chose a shade called Bare Natural 07 based on the guidelines shown on site - and it’s a great match! 

I’ve never had nice skin. Years (or decades?! Ugh!) of ache have left me with scars and dark spots. I just don’t feel pretty without putting on a little makeup before I leave the house - always some sort of foundation. After trying the bareSkin liquid foundation, my bruised self esteem just did a 180. I feel good about myself. I feel really pretty

Pregnancy Glow, bareSkin, Jessica Quirk, @whatiwore

This wasn’t intended to be a review post, but I’m going to go ahead and list out why I’m so happy with this purchase:

  • Smooth, soft application (I really like the quality of the brush, so smooth and airy)
  • Great coverage (I used about 4-5 drops for my entire face and I literally felt like I was erasing all of the discoloration and dark spots.
  • Dewy Finish (I skipped my moisturizer and went straight to foundation after washing and drying my face). This is the pregnancy glow I was hoping for! 
  • Product Contents (I like that there are no parabens, silicones, oils or fragrance). It’s also made with minimal ingredients.
  • Non-chemical broad spectrum SPF 20. Hypoallergenic. Non-comedogenic.

Some of the best pregnancy advice I’ve received from other new moms is to pamper yourself. All of the physical changes and hormones bring on good and tough days and I’m a big advocate of doing things that help you feel good about yourself. For me, a new bottle of foundation really perked me up.  And you should all know, none of these photos have been retouched outside of adjusting the color and cropping!

I’d definitely recommend this product to other women - pregnant or not - especially if like nice coverage while still getting a natural look. You can find bareSkin at, bareMinerals boutiques, QVC, Sephora, ULTA, Macy’s, and Dillard’s. 

Pregnancy Glow, bareSkin, Jessica Quirk, @whatiwore

Heads Up! As always, I’ve purchased the products featured in this post, which is a collaboration with bareMinerals. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make What I Wore possible.