Studio Quirk

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Notes from the Field | 007

I told myself I wanted to sit down and write more, but every time I turn around it seems like another week has gone by and I haven't made it much of a priority. Which is actually alright with me, because I've been doing a lot of fun things around the house and outdoors, spending time with my husband and kids, visiting and doing projects with my brother and really enjoying life these days! 

I think the weather has something to do with it. Spring is in full effect here and we're outside more than we're in. Yesterday my brother and I wrapped up a project we started Monday morning and it feels so good to say "I'm gonna build a window box!" and then just do it. And I should clarify there because I just designed and spec'd it out and my brother built and installed it. It's all part of my front porch makeover which has been many months in the making, but its nearing completion and I'd like to take photos and show you soon. 

Speaking of being outside, do you remember playing as a kid? It seems like in the summer we'd have breakfast and go out exploring the neighborhood, without adults, for hours at a time. When we were tired or hungry we'd come home, only to go out again until dinner time. I remember chugging a huge glass of cold milk after sitting down at the dinner table and then shoveling down food and back outside until it was too dark to see or too many other kids had been called home. 

I was thinking about all of this the other day as I watched my own kids play in the yard. Now that we have space, far from the road and other people, it only feels right to give them a little room to do their thing. Felix digging in the mud, Bea picking flowers. The two of them on the swing set together, brother with his arm around little sister. Watching them hold hands, fall down, chase one another, get into a spat, make up, and repeat all over again. I want to be around to see it happen, but I want them to really enjoy being a little kid and feeling some independence like I did when I was young.

On the subject of childhood, I'm not sure if I've shared here that my brother is staying with us for the summer and he's been here a couple of weeks already. I haven't lived with him in about fifteen years and we've lived in different states all over the country since then. It's been so great to have a friend to chat with, a partner for projects, and having the kids get to know their uncle. Believe it or not, of the dozen or so words Bea says regularly "Uncle Dan" are two of them. It's hilarious and we egg her on to say it all the time. "Uncle Dan Dan! Uncle Dan Dan!" I can't tell you how many times a day I hear one of the kids ask about him and it's been so cool to have him as a neighbor.

In the pop culture front, I am like... at least two years behind on some things and right up to the minute on others. We don't have a TV so we watch our "shows" on the laptop at night and right now I am so into The Handmaid's Tale. It's got the perfect combo of religious cult plus dystopia which is my favorite combination of evils. It's dark and so effed up but... I like what I like! If you're into that you might also like Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime or if you can find it (don't ask me how I tracked it down), a British show from a couple years ago called Utopia. And of course there's Black Mirror on Netflix.

So even though I'm up to the minute on my dramatic TV programming, I'm a few years behind on HAMILTON! Gah! I am so obsessed. I have a biography on hold at the library and I told Adam that if I could do one thing this summer, it would be to see the show in Chicago.  I have some ducks to get in a row before that can happen (see also: night weaning and saving up) but when mama has a goal, mama achieves the goal. 

Well, a huge storm is about to roll in, so I better go sit on my front porch and watch! Have a great Thursday everyone!