My New Favorite Breakfast

Vegan Banana Coconut and Chia Seed Pudding with fresh fruit and nuts

In the past month or so I've been adding more vegan meals to my daily eating habits. I'm not 100% there and I don't plan on going all the way but it feels good to get so many plants into my kitchen! 

My favorite thing to eat these days is a banana and chia seed coconut pudding. I top it with nuts and berries, honey (technically not vegan) and mint. The mint is what makes it feel like a brunch worthy dish. And it's so pretty! 

To make my pudding I use one can of whole day coconut milk, one banana, and about 1/3 cup of chia seeds. Oh! And a dash of cinnamon! I let it sit overnight in the fridge and it makes about three servings. It's a good plant based far source, especially as a nursing mom!

Speaking of nursing, if you have concerns with your milk supply, go easy on (or skip) the mint. Plants in that family are sometimes used for oversupplies or weaning. 

There are so many goodies you can top this off with or add in - I've used leftover quinoa, any fresh or dried fruit and lots of different kinds of nuts!  


Chia Pudding Bowl